We are pleased to announce "The Cowboy" - an upcoming addition to our acclaimed PALMER COX BROWNIE COLLECTION! This whimsical character was a late arrival to Cox's Brownie series. He was added to the troops at the specfic request of then-President Theodore Roosevelt!
Based accurately on the original Palmer Cox illustrations, the Brownie Cowboy is made of the finest all-wool felt and jointed at the neck and shoulders. He has a molded felt character face, hand painted features, a mohair wig, and tiny sculptural hands. Measuring 9" tall, the Cowboy has heavy wire inside his legs to enable him to be self-standing.
The Brownie Cowboy is ready for the roundup wearing a traditional "deerskin" costume made of felt with fringe trim. His tall hand-cobbled leather boots feature custom-made metal spurs. Atop his head is a large-brimmed cowboy hat and as a wonderful added accessory, the Cowboy's leather holster carries his custom-made six-shooter. No detail will be overlooked to bring this amusing Palmer Cox character vividly to life.
The Brownie Cowboy will be produced in a limited edition of 250 pieces worldwide. He will come inside a deluxe R. John Wright presentation box with a signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity and the forms for owner registration. Matching numbers to previous Brownies in the series are provided subject to availability. The Cowboy will be offered through all RJW authorized retailers.
DIRECT PURCHASE: The Cowboy is also available for pre-order directly from the RJW COMPANY STORE. The purchase price of $535.00 includes shipping & insurance in the domestic United States! [For overseas shipping rates, contact the RJW office.]
TO ORDER ONLINE: Please select the option below which best describes your request. All orders are subject to availability.
You may also place your order request via phone Toll Free at: 1-888-258-2759.
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